The Punky Prance

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

Punky loves being brushed. I'm not conveying this strongly enough. Recently he has become OBSESSED with brushy-time. He comes trotting up to Er Indoors and sits in front of her, hopping from one front paw to another until she does it. This happens at least 3 or 4 times every day.

He never asks me. I have brushed Punky once or twice but I am not as good as Er Indoors and we both know it. I think he is just humouring me when he lets me do it.

It might not sound like a difficult job, but it is made complicated because he loves it SO much and gets SO excited. He twists and turns and twirls and gets so worked-up that he tries to EAT the brush. He ducks and weaves and whirls and dances all over the place. He's like an otter twisting in the current, or a really hairy ballroom dancer, doing a tango on his own.

The irony is that he doesn't need to be brushed. His fur is short. It's the other fellow whose fur is thick and lustrous. But Jasper does not care for the brush. His shows his annoyance by pointing his ears in two different directions, then fecking off.

So here instead is Punky doing his happy brushy-time Punky-prance dance. I laugh every time he does it.


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