My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Please don’t take my tree down!

Mr Messi-cat was guarding the Christmas tree which had to come down today. He has taken to sitting in a box which some rather lovely post came in this week (things to be opened on L’s birthday next weekend).

It’s been quite a day...

Late last night our laptop spectacularly and irreversibly died. It wasn’t unexpected but it meant that a bit of expense that we knew was coming soon had to be brought forward a bit. N went off to the shops this morning and has spent the day setting up and installing various things on a new one... good job there are sales on! More installing to be done tomorrow.

L and I popped over to see friends this morning whom we made when I went to pregnancy yoga class a couple of years ago. While we were out, N put a coat of paint on the porch walls.

In L’s naptime we took all the decorations down and rearranged the toys in the living and dining rooms. It’s looking a bit more spacious but we know that’s about to change again with L’s birthday coming up.

Busy day!

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