Tuscan botanicals

I was up and hoovering by 9:30, the dirt in this house has recently even been shocking me. The children have been allocated rooms (bathroom, living room), I will need to be shouting tomorrow as just asking them to clean and tidy their allocated rooms has not done the trick today.

Then I dropped some boys at the swimming pool and went to start sorting closing the storage facilities. And the supermarket internet shopping that I ordered in my post dentist drug haze arrived. Practically not a meal in the whole delivery but some good use of the January half price offers. In fact I think I mainly just selected from the half price offers. Lots of high quality tinned tomatoes if nothing else.

And my extended birthday present from Clare arrived with assorted snacks. I am awash with gin after some Christmas present gin so after a fine walk on Highdown with Ella I set to reducing the quantities. Not a bad problem to have.

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