Old kit
Out with the old, and in with the new! Not literally, of course; none of this lot is going out. I've treated myself to a new camera; I love my DSLR and I'm sure it will remain my camera of choice, but for a long time now I've thought it was too bulky for 'everyday' use, so if I've been going into London or elsewhere where I didn't want to carry it around, I've tended to use my phone which doesn't take great pictures.
The new one is a 'Compact' and will take some getting used to; I'll have to get over the 'fat finger syndrome' on the buttons and it will take me quite a while to learn all the things it can do. But one big advantage over the DSLR is that it transfers the pictures straight to my iPad by wi-fi so my dodgy old laptop can have a stay of execution for a little while!
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