Harry's journal

By Lunis

Reflections on my 40th birthday!

Don’t know if it is an age thing, but I have been thinking a lot about life choices. Not the big ones, but the small everyday life priorities that one makes each day.

I used to “back in the days” think a lot about all the different things I wanted to do in life. At this stage and age, I’m more concerned about what I shouldn’t do. I don’t mean that I want to do less or that I lack ambition. It’s about the notion of dropping such habits that only consume time and energy without being genuinely rewarding.
Obviously, one part of this is social media. I had a good social media brake. It was in fact so good that I think I have managed to change my social media routines permanently.
There are also other kinds of practices one overtakes daily that – when you think of it – don’t serve any real purpose.  I won’t go into details about what I am specifically referring to. In short, it’s about rethinking what should be my priorities in professional life. On a personal level, I have customs that I should simply just drop. Yet there are new goals to strive for and new things to try out. But there is also so much in life that I can enjoy more extensively, if I manage to drop some of the unnecessary distractions.
Thinking of this, I recognise that my life is to a great extent complete – both personally and professionally. I am truly and utterly blessed having what I have: an awesome family, good friends and inspiring colleagues that I enjoy working with. I guess, being busy in everyday life is to some extent, the practical manifestation of life fulfilment.
I do feel that this stage in life is an achievement and a pay off of some sort. But most of it, is about faith and good fortune, – knowing what I know about life so far. Through my experiences of working with social work I have seen misfortune and unfairness from a close distance. The world is not fair and there is something called structural inequality.   
With these reflections I send a humble regards to all my friends, acquaintances or whom ever came to read this post. Thank you for being part in all of this.
To be forty is fabulous!

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