Packaging Christmas Away

Our turn to take down the Christmas tree today. In the end, it was only us who saw it in its glory, family having decided they were too unwell to visit. For that matter, I was rather glad of that feeling so rough myself.

These are my favourite ornaments collected over the last 38 years or so on foreign travels. Our Christmas fairy is the Babara Sansoni mouse you can see in the photo, bought in Sri Lanka in 1981.

Everything is now tucked away in the loft.

With the wind being so high, I wasn't disposed to venture out. Len took Basil for his walk. Coach Lane is now almost impassable due to mud.

J Kay rang for the first time in ages. Nice to catch up. He's sounding a lot  more chipper, probably because his sight has improved sufficiently for him to be able to re-apply for a driving licence.

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