A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

And exhale...

...we are almost out of the party zone (for a couple of weeks...)

Clearly it takes a lot of effort to blow out 7 candles. Well, it did follow painting canvases, a series of indoor games (pass the parcel, musical statues, copycat drawing) and outdoor ones (tag puzzle pieces, Simon says and pinata). They somehow found the energy to play a very high-pitched chocolate game which, despite none of them having played before, they quickly became quite expert at. I haven't played since I was about Anna's age and it's a whole different game from the other side of the dice....slightly manic I felt but the verdict from the kids was all positive. Perhaps that's just a different perspective on manic? It was, as requested, a birthday party classique. Exhausting but exhilarating for everyone.

Now for a relaxing evening with Strictly (tick), followed by Homeland (not so sure...)

Lesley x

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