With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Black vulture

The clearer shots were too small for Blip but you can see them here on fb. We had a fantastic afternoon in the mountains behind Fornalutx with horses, donkeys, a bit of cooking on a campfire and a walk up the hill. We stood at the top of the cliffs looking down over Soller and then spotted a black vulture soaring over the Valley. And then suddenly it reared up right infront of us above the cliff as though it was wanting to know wether we were worth a nibble. I wish I'd had a better lens, but then I might have been so caught up in trying to get the shot I wouldn't have taken it all in.

Now that was the kind of afternoon I'd been waiting for. Autumn crocuses popping their heads up out of the soil with no visible means of support, trails of ants lugging our crumbs back into their nest and the smell of smoke and sausages that can only be removed by a really hot bath. Now, what's for dinner. I'm feeling a little peckish...

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