A Christmas Carol

I went to the tip with lots of boxes and the old snowman light up window decoration that sadly didn't work. I intended taking an old child's car seat but decided to have a go at putting the harness back in. I feel very pleased with myself as I did it and the car seat looks as good as new so it's back in the garage waiting to be used again after March.
I called into the garden centre and everything was 50% off. I couldn't resist the 2 gingerbread girls and the silver decorations, wonder who they will be for! I thought the red glass candle holder was lovely and will be used for many blips. Next stop the nursery where I picked up the hellebore called Christmas Carol.
A nice walk to the post office whilst it was still dry but very windy. I had another go at mounting a print for the camera club, I keep getting the bevel on the wrong side of the board. It took me two goes but I did it, so I'm feeling very pleased with myself today and now I can sit!
My cold is much better but I'm still sneezing. I have more energy and inclination to do things but am still taking it slowly! I'm going to leave Aqua and Zumba to next week!

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