Minx life

I think it's probably true to say that for the first few months of our relationship, the Minx and I were mostly intent on seeing one another. For reasons that now escape me, we had mutually agreed the likelihood of a long-term relationship was low, and I suppose this is why we didn't go out of our way to introduce one another to our friends and (particularly) family.

That's all changed over the last five years, though, a fact which could not have been more thoroughly underlined than by the fact that I went for a run with her nephew, this morning. George has become a keen runner over the last couple of years and wanted to do a half-marathon, so this morning we went out on the run that takes in White Coppice, Rivington, Addlington, and the canal.

I wasn't sure how we'd get on, actually; I rarely run with anyone else, and I wasn't sure how I'd cope with the additional stress of chatting on the way 'round, both in terms of breathing and making conversation. As it turned out, though, George was as chatty as anything and we had a very enjoyable run even if the conversation had dried up - more through tiredness than a lack of topics - by the time we reached the canal. 

In the afternoon, we went to the Minx's mum's for a late Christmas/early New Year get together, which proved to be very enjoyable, especially as none of the small children running around were my responsibility. At my time in life, you get all of the cute and none of the aggravation!

And finally, in the evening, we went to the 18th birthday party of the daughter of some other friends of ours, Mike and Sarah, who run the Bees Country Kitchen in Chorley (would recommend). It was a splendid do, with lots of friendly people to chat to and, as always, lots of great food and drink. 

-13.6 kgs
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