rhiannon's journal

By rhiannon

grand designs?

today i went to the grand designs show. i learnt that grand designs doesn't necessarily mean good designs or high design! however i did find some elements enjoyable, mainly reminiscing in a good way about when i worked at an architects and lots of the products and companies we specified and researched were there...and built...and you could touch them...and go in them!! heehee! something i think i missed in my short stint and with overuse of the internet! my favourite bit of the show was the little tiny area which had some interesting displays (which were covered in people munching their pack lunches!! could you be more inconvenient?! no, i didn't think so!) of upcycled furniture, clever flat pack lights and stools and stylish water collection butts. i was happy :-)
after this me and bekkie went to cousin alice's house for a brew, a stroll in the woods and my first introduction to adam and charlie's stick insects which i gave them for xmas :-)

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