Bring It On

I started the day by driving out on the wharf to join the monthly sketch group, but the cold and wet didn't inspire me to draw. I decided to just walk the length of the pier and had fun taking pictures and trying to get more comfortable with my phone camera. Unfortunately at least half of my fabulous shots were inadvertently done in movie mode; I also had some good shots of the inside of my jacket pocket

The Sand Guy created another tribute to the new year yesterday and was out there early this morning to see if the king tides would wash it away. He dug a trench and hoped for the best--probably good advice for all of us.

In the afternoon we celebrated the year's first rain by going to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The first few minutes were taken up with the comedy of us trying to figure out how to work the big reclining seats; it's been awhile since we were at this theater and somewhere in there they had remodelled everything. At one point Mr S found a kid and asked him to help us get the seats back to an upright position. Apparently you have to whack the heck out of it and voila. The popcorn prices had been remodelled as well,  up to $6.50 for a small tub. Then we had twenty minutes of previews, seemingly of the same violent movie with different costumes and accents. I bet we are the only people who find all this new and strange; I felt like I was from another planet. As for the feature--we both thought it was too long. Entertaining, sometimes sweetly familiar, a bit confusing, and did I say long?

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