Nearly gone

Quick trip to do the cats for the last time then DF round for coffee and a catch up before I had to head off to my motorway speed awareness training session. Long afternoon, and some irritating parts (eg the table full of men that I was sitting at, all -without irony- rating their driving skills as ‘at least 8, more like 9 or 10’ on a scale of 0-10, where 10 was described to us as a professional trained police driver. Sigh....)
Still, learned a few things and although it wasn’t really very well delivered and dragged on a bit I had after all broken the law so I had no one to blame but myself!
A&N popped round on their way home from Scarborough, then a quiet evening knitting. Mx very chatty between feeds and sleeps...cooing and gurgling as well as lots of smiles...seemed to be his first really extended period interacting like that. Cute!
I’ll miss them .....home tomorrow

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