He may not be smiling tomorrow!

We're in the calm before the storm at the moment. It actually was warmer than 20 degrees f today, balmy compared to the last week. BUT, the 12-15 inches of snow will begin falling tomorrow morning along with high winds bringing probable power outages. The temperatures will plunge and I know I'm one of many worried about freezing pipes. I had a call from an old friend, she told me that the Subaru Dealership we both frequent is totally out of car batteries along with AAA, our Roadside Assistant folks. It's been
frigid for so long, it's beginning to take a toll on everything.

Our visiting pal from California, a native New Englander, has been praying a   bit too fervently to the Snow Goddess we fear!

For the Record,
This day came in with the news cycle focused on impending snow instead of the Moron for once.

All hands preparing for the storm.

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