Fliss Fraser

By stripeyhat

My little boat

This is my tiny rowing boat which has an equally tiny outboard which took a while to get going. With help from friends it took alot of effort to launch this little boat in the summer as I don't know an awful lot about boats. We only took it out twice and the rest of the time it spent sat at the pier being baled out whenever it got a bit full. Winter came, really quickly and then I needed to get the poor thing out of the water, so with alot more effort and the help of a car and small daughter we managed to drag it up the beach above the high tide mark and there it sits. I really like the idea of going out on the sea regularly, I like the freedom even if in such a tiny boat I'm confined to being near the shore and Iiving on an island I've spent enough time on boats to have a healthy respect for the sea and the weather. Perhaps this summer I'll get out more and catch some mackerel.

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