Not the way it was planned

I’m not particularly gifted when it comes to Bridge but I like to help. One of the tasks I foolishly volunteer to undertake is operating the dealing machine. It was my turn on the rota.

I checked today was ok but there’s a couple who just do their own thing. I was partway through swearing at the machine when they arrived, unilaterally changing their day. They decided we could work together and do their boards too. Three and a half hours and even more swearing later, we finished. I’d had enough. I couldn’t summon the energy to check out more stores for that recliner. I bought some eggs and headed for home.

I also missed a couple of calls from the garage.

As the sun was shining, I stopped off for a blowy stroll round Pipe Hill Heathland. Cares blown away - hoping for a better afternoon.

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