High And Over

A wonderful red sky this morning and a definite shepherd's warning. I offered to deliver some paperwork to Ripe in Sussex. The rain on the M25 was torrential and the visibility very poor. I must admit that I found the need to concentrate and the thought of possible danger if anything went wrong, exhilarating. The S2000 doesn't handle standing water well so I was trying to drive as smoothly as possible. BMWs don't either. One had spun and rear-ended the central reservation. It was in the fast lane facing the oncoming traffic, its wipers still swishing frantically. 

I delivered the papers and still the rain didn't let up. My main image is taken from the High And Over viewpoint over the flooded Cuckmere valley. Couldn't see much as it was pouring and misty. Through the lovely village of Alfriston across The Downs to Beachy Head seafront. I didn't like it, too built up. I went back to Seaford, which I love. Wonderful big waves and the inimitable sound of rolling stones. Only three people and a dog on the beach. My first extra is gorgeous German Shepherd Emma. The second extra is Emma and her brother after the spray had got to my kit.  

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