The year ahead
So I had a surprise sprung on me tonight. The family gathered (including Girl Racer via FaceTime from Canada) and TSM started a speech which had the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.
So, it being my 60th birthday in September she has planned things for every single month of the year! Into the void, Hamilton, the Hay Festival, exhibitions, weekends away, vegan festivals, guided walks in London, Buckingham Palace tour, Salsa classes and more ... a spectacular series of events. Quite amazing, it is still only just sinking in. All beautifully delivered in colour coded envelopes ...
To say I’m feeling loved and overwhelmed doesn’t do it justice.
It’s been a great Christmas and new year, back to work tomorrow. We spent our last day of freedom taking Ms T for a driving experience at Mercedes Benz then had lunch with The Dizzle in You Sushi. This evening K&D came back from an overnight trip to Bath and we had fish and chips and they gave us pressies as they are off back to Oz on Thursday. I even managed to slip in some more work on the workshop so all in all a great day to finish on.
But I’m looking ahead now ... what a year to come ... thank you sweetie xxx
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