Hanging on the Telephone

I was supposed to be taking the week off but as everyone else is back at school tomorrow I decided I'd work instead. As it was I made the mistake of paying attention to my email today and ended up getting drawn in for a few hours.

The excitement of the day was getting my old guitar out and putting it back together. Like Alf's new one it is an Ibanez, this one however was made in June 1980. It was my first proper guitar, the one I first played in a band with, gigged with, recorded with... Worked out that tricky third chord ;) I played it so much I wore out the frets (the silver bits on the neck). My dad being a can do sort of chap decided to refret it, being a realist he soon found out that it's not that easy. So we found a luthier (Overwater guitars). When we went to pick it up they were a bit late so I got to spend a morning with them learning about guitars (amazing for a 14 year old guitar mad boy). Being a little naive I asked them if they'd ever done work for anyone famous..

'Jeff Beck' was the start of quite a long list that included 'Brian May and at least one bloke from 'Status Quo'.

It played really well when I got it back.

Anyway it's back together and although it plays it needs a bit of work so it's going to guitar hospital tomorrow. Ian (the guitar doctor) has an even more impressive client list...

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