Tiny Tuesday: Spider's Leg
Blipper "Thisislife" has kindly taken on supervision of the Tiny Tuesday challenge this month, and would like us to show aspects of "the animal kingdom" today.
It's almost a year since I last blipped a photo taken down the little microscope which I was given as a child, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to do another such blip. Last time it was the leg of a fly - this time it's the tip of a spider's leg. I think the microscope magnifies things about 100x.
Last time I couldn't get my camera to focus down the microscope, and ended up using my smartphone camera, but since then I've bought a proper macro lens for the camera and it seemed to focus OK. The lens was just under an inch from the microscope eyepiece.
Hope the arachnophobics amongst you don't find it too scary!
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