Happy Shit Mates

Its a New Year tradition that we visit our friends now fondly known as our Shit Mates after enjoying a Cruise to Alaska together back in May. I spent several weeks making them a photo book of our adventures as their Christmas present.

Soon after arriving, we exchanged gifts, went to the 10th Hole in Southsea for lashings of cake, spent the afternoon playing ridiculous games then ate lashings of Chinease take away.

Sadly Shirley wasn't feeling too well with a nasty cough but we wouldn't let her cancel us!!!! And as if a Cruise together wasn't enough - they now want to come skiing with us and my babies next Christmas!!! It was an awkward moment when I had to put it to the kids first but luckily they all agreed. Well she is their Aunty after all!!!!

So Happy New Year to you all. I hope it was a good one and that 2018 is a better one than 2017. Not that 2017 was bad, but things can always get better!


Ps - Isn't it nice to have our extras back!!!!!! 

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