Starting as we mean to go on...

I knew today would be a tough blip. No time for photography, with the in-laws up for lunch and tea. And in truth I may, vaguely, just be a tad jaded from last night's spectacular New Year shenanigans. So, here we are starting the year off with a healthy bowl of sprouts... gotta love sprouts.

I began blipping nearly three years ago. I've found it a challenge to keep up all the time, as I have exampled in today's offering. But I've found it immersive and constantly challenging for the right reasons too. The community is brilliantly friendly, and it continues to be a pleasure. But I do need to try harder, particularly in the winter time when my whole being is shouting 'meh, hibernate.' In the eight days to my blippiversary I'll try and push for more fab in the frame (but that's the only resolution I'm admitting to!

Sticking with the other challenge, over on Facething, here's a similarly lazy extra mono offering, courtesy of my lovely bruvver. The River Severn lies between us most nights - how did he know?

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