the colour green

By jukeys

nyd walk

I took myself out for a wander this afternoon. It wasn’t great weather-wise, but it was worth it to get some fresh air. The river is well up after a few days of rain. It’s great to see it like that after the months of secheresse we have had.

I’m hoping that I’ll get back to regular blipping in 2018 - I’ve done a lot of back blipping in 2017 and would like to remedy that :)

Marius is in brilliant form just now. He’s bashing cutlery on his high chair all the time, starting to say ‘papa’ and ‘tata’ very distinctly (as well as making lots of other less obvious noises that sound like words), standing up in his cot and jumping up and down, throwing all of his toys out of the playpen, commando crawling around the living room, and just generally being brilliant. I love him so much.

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