If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

New Year's Eve.

We settled down to mark new year's eve as has been our custom since the last century.  Quietly at home watching DVDs taking s few minutes round midnight to mark the passing year and watch from the doorway the fireworks in the middle of the village.  We began as I said in the last century with "the Mate" and his wife, now there is just the three of us (all snuffling and coughing from colds at various stages).

Either the middle of the village is in a different time zone or there weren't fireworks this year.  Never mind we enjoyed our selves with the usual eating and drinking before after and during the films.

The blip is an emergency blip of the table as we were standing up from the evening meal.  There aren't many bliportunities watching an 8 to 9 foot screen with the curtains drawn.

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