Mango Seeds

21st December 2017:

We produce about 15,000 mango seedlings each year, by grafting (now) eight new varieties from all over the world on to rootstock grown from the local variety.

First step is to collect seeds when people have eaten the fruit and we do a deal with villagers to do this for us in return for improved variety seedlings.

Ruth (with baby on board) and Chrissy are seen here preparing the seeds for sowing.  Some seeds can produce maybe two or three plants, so we collect about 10,000 seeds to reach our targeted number.

Later the single plants are put in plastic tubes and later still go to the greenhouses to be ready for planting out in January 2019.

Planning and process and they do everything so well that we have been Registered by ICRAF (The International centre for research in Agroforestry).

A big achievement for a group of men and women with little formal education but a great will to succeed.

We all work hard together

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