
By acr83

Grandad Mac

We visited Grandad Mac and his wife for lunch today. The boys were well behaved (according to our hosts - I thought they were a little marginal). They cooked us roast lamb which was nice after a week of holiday food with little nutritional value. It was 36 degrees at their house but luckily with the air con on it was lovely inside. Sadly it was too hot for their resident kangaroos or parrots to make an appearance.

We drove to the airport after lunch for our journey home. Once again Elliott insisted on walking everywhere and carrying his own suitcase. The boys weren't really keen on sleeping on the plane so it was a bit of a challenging flight again. We were the first plane to land in Christchurch for the new year at exactly 12:00am. We saw fireworks displays out the window as we landed. The lot of us got to bed at 2am after a very tiring day.

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