
By mindful_life


My photo today was taken during my morning run today - I run past it a lot and it is very boggy so I tend not to get too close! I took time to look today instead of passing it by, because a big of mud on my shoes can be cleaned!

I leave 2017 with so much to reflect on. It has been a challenging year in so many respects.

Home life has been difficult whilst we folded a business and lived through an extension! My personal life has been difficult as I had to face up to things that happened a long time ago. This is still something I am dealing with but with each phase that passes I know I will be able to put it behind me.

I have also had to come to terms with my emotions and feelings about myself, many of which have been very negative for many many years, resulting in low self confidence and esteem. However over the last 9 months particularly I have made a huge amount of progress and feel much more at ease and at peace with myself.

I have explored mindfulness and will continue this in 2018. I found yoga which I will also continue and also rediscovered many past loves that I had dismissed - playing the cello, writing and even things like being around people who bring pleasure to my life.

I read a quote this week which touched me and I wanted to share it here:

“When we celebrate weight loss we reinforce the myth that we are only at our best when we are at our smallest “

“Each day when we wake we have an opportunity to create our day with what inspires us the most”

In 2018 I aim to finish my second novel, continue my mindfulness training and yoga, and not worry about other people think about me. I am going to finally be content in myself and my body and be the best I can be for myself and my family.

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