Dad's medals

Saturday 30th December 2017 (1953)


The family set off home this morning and I made the journey back across the Pennines after lunch. I was very tired when I got home and fell asleep for a couple of hours. I had to wake up then because I had the preparation of tomorrow's service still to do! 

You may think this an odd photo at Christmas time. I'm in the process of doing a family history book and discovered that medals are engraved with the recipients name. I wanted to photograph my Dad's medals. I was disappointed to find that WW2 campaign medals were not engraved. What I didn't notice at the time was that the third medal was engraved, I only noticed that when I put the photo on the computer! This was taken for the book but it was also the only photo I took today.

Oops, I should have polished them first but I was getting ready to leave. Sorry Dad! 

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