What I Am Not

This is a small statue of Kuan Yin, given to me by my son some years ago.

According to the UrbanDharma.org website, Kuan Yin is "one of the most universally beloved of deities in the Buddhist tradition... She is the embodiment of compassionate loving kindness."

No one would say that about me today. I guess having enough energy to be grumpy about the rain, the diminishing daylight, having to blow my nose incessantly, and missing the farmers' market this morning and the Whatcom Artists Studio Tour and the special program at the SPARK Museum this afternoon, means that I'm on the road to recovery.

I hope so -- and so does Phil!

(He did our farmers' market shopping this morning, as I was too poorly to go, and blipped quite a different image from my usual Saturday Beautiful Vegetables photo.)

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