
By HareBrain

The Orographic cloud

How perverse is this weather. I should have got up early this morning to see a fabulous sunrise, but its Saturday, no work, so had a small lie in and missed it. Beautiful morning here; flu jab at noon; strange, the Health Centre was full and I knew almost everyone, unlike the supermarket where I hardly know anyone - must be the results of our rapidly expanding town and my age!

Visit to Shrewsbury to the hairdressers this afternoon for a cut and finish - Simon has cut it so short, ooooh, says it will grow in nicely for Christmas?? The black clouds have now rolled in and we have heavy rain to the South and beautiful sunshine to the West.

I am joining Mr.T up at the Gliding Club for dinner this evening. On my drive up the very steep hill to the Long Mynd, Church Stretton there are some very different weather situations hence this orographic cloud in the valley. (Clouds which develop in response to the forced lifting of air by mountains cooling as it rises ....) Most of my journey up the hill was in thick fog but at the top and within minutes developed into this view. Stunning.

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