Goodbye George

The girls went trampolining in the morning. After lunch, I drove daughter #1 to kayaking (daughter #2 couldn't go because she had a birthday party to go to).
When I went back to pick her up, she was very sad. Her kayaking coach (George) has left (rumour has it he was told to stand down). We went to the park for a cup of tea and she was very sad. When we got home, I found her upstairs quite tearful. She had sent him a text and he had responded saying that he was going to miss both girls too but that they should carry on with the kayaking.
The girls adored George and even I find it very sad that they may never see him again.
Daughter #2 is having a sleepover tonight at her birthday friend's house. She has called a couple of times to remind us that she loves us ! She's not very good with sleepovers and it wouldn't surprise me if my phone rings after I've gone to bed.

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