Keeping Calm...

....amongst the mayhem.

Charlotte is rather good on ice skates and puts the rest to shame. She claims to be rusty after not being on the ice for sometime but you can see she's a natural on the slippery surface. We only watched for about ten minutes but in that time we saw some almighty falls.

Claire and I met up briefly with Gemma, Charlotte, Tyler, Paul, Kelly and Jack in Birmingham, they were there for the ice skating and Claire and I were there to spend some of our vouchers and Christmas money. I didn't actually buy anything for myself but Claire got a few items and we got some nice house stuff.

Nice to enjoy the last bit of Holiday spirit before the madness of New Year.

Breaking the rules of photography with the subject facing out of frame but I liked this shot and it's not bad handheld at 1/8 second with no tripod or image stabilisation.

Mr Bo Hingles

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