..... one of those chance meetings.

I was in Leeds for about 8:30am just to ensure I could park easily, get my errands done and be back home in good time.  I only realised after getting there that one of the stores I wanted to visit didn't open until 10:00am, so it was just before then that I was killing time by taking a few random street shots.  Imagine my surprise when another shopper asked me if I was a Blipper;  I didn't recognise her right away, not until she said she was Kagsy who I feel I've known for ages, but until today had never actually met. We only live a couple of miles apart if that -  and it was great to finally meet her in person.  We both had things to do so our conversation was brief but delightful;  Kagsy did the honours and took a selfie of us together and the unplanned Blipmeet really made my day.

My main pic was taken en-route from the car park to the shopping centre, and my extra is a last Christmas shot from the Victoria Quarter - still looking festive but not for much longer I think.

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