
By cowgirl

Wayne again!

We stayed in a hotel over night - me and Sav that is, not Wayne! Well, actually Wayne did stay at the same hotel, and I checked out at the same time as him, after Sav had gone to work. I had a good 6 hrs to kill til Sav came back to pick me up, so asked Wayne if I could walk with him to his car. He was only too happy to have a good chat, and as he wasn’t sure how to find his car, we had time! If he’d said his car was at last night’s venue, I could have taken him straight there, but I assumed he was heading for a car park somewhere so didn’t ask!

Anyway, we eventually arrived back at the venue and I helped him pack his drum kit into his ( small! ) car. Had to take the mickey out of him for driving a golf - Asked him if he knew he was the drummer, not the flautist!

After he’d driven off the Red Arrows flew over - I was the only person around who got excited. I poked the UPS delivery driver next to me and said “ that was the Red Arrows ! “

“ Yeah, they go over all the time “ #anotherdozeytourist

Anyway, Lincoln is lovely and we’ll be going back!

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