my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

The Slosh Puppie

Spent today dashing between schools seeing the work that fab mosaic artist Amanda is doing with some of the schools who are taking part in our Book Awards.

I met some wonderful enthusiastic children who loved getting creative with Amanda and making art to do with themes in the books they have been reading.

I saw the girls for hugs before they headed off for the weekend.

AND tonight was PURE ROCK N ROLL.

Cheese on toast and TV under the duvet.

Of course I added that bit of glamour with my new invention. Ladies and Gents...I give you


Whatever remmants of the bottle of Rose you have left from the night before.

1 knackered freezer

Preparation method

Pop the bottle in the freezer tray. Preferably use a freezer tray with no door that...

a) when cold enough to produce ice freezes everything in the fridge including cheese, milk and vegatables.

b) When turned to anything below full defrosts everywhere

After a few hours, remove bottle from freezer.

Shake the bottle about a bit. It is permissble obligatory to sing the 'Do the Shake and Vac' song while pretending you are Tom Cruise in Cocktail.

In a LARGE glass. Lumpy and ice cold.



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