Well Dressed Tree

A day of pottering, watching the swirling snow. And then out to a very select social occasion over the water in Fife. So obviously, I had to put on my best shirt and be on my best behaviour. For we were invited to a meal at the celebrated Old Schoolhouse, by blip's very own Rex - the Comu one. And what an effort the boy had gone to. Though we did occasionally glimpse someone else in the kitchen, so maybe he had a hand. Just like his childminding efforts apparently, or allegedly, even.
The food and wine were very fabulous and soon the garrulous MrRC was regaling us with tales from way back (and he goes back further than most*) - who knew that his work moniker was ’the beast’? And this was presumably nothing to do with his notoriously bad behaviour at airports. But best of all was his little known, (no more!) but eagerly awaited regular appearance at the BB’s annual knees up, where he bedizened himself as Carmen Miranda. As you do, of course. I guess we all knew he was a bit of a fruity fellah.  

*though that’s a fine head of hair

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