living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Balls and stuff

So I gave Ash this toy, thinking he wouldn't really know what to do with it. And he didn't at first. But he watched his sister a few times hit the ball, pushing it down, and he copied her excitedly, squealing and patting. By the time 30 minutes had passed he had it sussed. He was able to pick up the ball, (as long as it didn't speed past him too quickly) put it on the hole and pat it in. It was amazing to watch the sequence of learning and each step took a while to get. He didn't have the coordination with the ball at first and kept dropping it over the side. I was just so surprised. Skills I thought would take weeks or months to develop were being learned right before my eyes. Anyway, I had to snap it and Carl says it's a very Hitchcock-esque angle. I just love the look of concentration on his little face.

Also, Ash has a new tooth, upper left incisor, which explains the sleepless nights. It's never so obvious with him, though, as he doesn't really complain or get upset at night. He just wants to stay up and play!

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