No Man’s Land

It’s that weird time of year when each day runs into the next and you’re never quite sure what day it is or what you’re supposed to be doing.

A fair amount of tidying up needed to be done after last night. We got through A LOT of wine. We had a dance off, some pie making, a very bad duet and some amazing tap dancing to Royal Blood. At some stage, the 70’s Christmas tree got knocked over and my vintage fairy plunged to her death. D fixed her up today although she’s still got a nasty skull injury.

Anyway, back to today and we were invited out to drinks at a friends house in the village. It turned out to be a very pleasant evening with lovely people. Apart from the ladies I see at choir, there were a lot of people we rarely get to see anymore since our children all went up to secondary school so it was nice to catch up.

I took a couple of photos then managed to get in on my own blip as one of the men offered to take a photo for me.

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