The life of Hannah Carr

By HannahC

Making pancakes.

Had a great day.
Me and Jen walked into town, bought loads of christmas presents and some wrapping paper.
Then.. we went out with grandma for dinner,and looked round some shops,found some boots I wanted. They might be purchased soon.
Then we got home,and We (Me,Jen,Trevor and grandma) Decided to bake, So to tesco we went. Purchased all ingredients.
Got home made parkin,Flapjack,shortbread and pancakes. I know it's a rubbish picture but I couldn't help myself. Jennies face as she thought the pancake was going on the floor.It didn't
We had a blast. And the stuff we made was scrumptious. Thankyou grandma and Trevor,x

P.s Mine and dads conversation.
Me : Thought any more about the trip dad?
Dad : Yes..
Me: And..
Dad : I think you can go on it.

Great day.x

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