
I'm not used to these early starts, it was an effort to be up and ready to be picked up at more to go tomorrow and then we get back to normal. 

We set off for Ashton in the rain although it slowly turned to sleet. As we unloaded the lorry it turned into snow and before we knew it the world was shrouded in white. It was only an inch or so, but I love the way it just muffles sounds. 

Of course the snow doesn't deter donors. We had a good day with some interesting people......

Me: So, you've not had contact with someone in the last twenty eight days who has had a positive diagnosis of the zika virus in the last six months?
Donor: No!!................but I do have to tell you that for the last few weeks I've been Father Christmas in hospitals and hospices. I've met lots of children so I might have, I don't know....
Me: Well, if anyone says they think they might have then my next question would be 'Was it sexual contact?'
Donor: I'm not that kind of Santa!!!!!!!!!!!!

He did keep chuckling about it as he was a lovely man and I bet he made a fabulous Santa. 

Another man arrived and needed a form printing. He sat down as Shelley sought his details on the computer. When she looked up at him she saw that he had 'gems' stuck all over his forehead. He was mortified and wiped them off quickly. Apparently, he had been a 'Genie' when he played with his granddaughter that morning and had forgotten that they were there. When I took him into my screening booth we laughed about it and then he suddenly stopped and said that his wife had been in the car with him as he travelled to the session and she'd never said a word. He was considering 'forgetting' to pick her up on his way home lol. Every time I caught his eye as he donated we both laughed. 

I did another treasure hunt, we had lots of laughs and it was a good day. Now I must get an early night as I need to up and out in a few hours.........sigh.

....and this pic has no connection to anything I've just written  ;)

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