My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Walking in a winter wonderland!

Woke up this morning to snow, snow and lots of snow!

We contacted a few of N’s folks and met up in the Valley Gardens. It was L’s first experience of quite this much snow (we had a flurry on her birthday last January and a teeny bit earlier this month, but nothing like this). She had a whale of a time - even helping a bit with our quick, impromptu snowman (“No-man!”).

We had a hot chocolate in the café and then headed into town for a light lunch. After L’s nap this afternoon we popped by N’s brother’s house with the rest of the family for a meal.

The snow is now already melting so we’re glad we got out in it this morning. (Also very glad we weren’t travelling the length of the country today!)

Such a great day!

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