
By HellsBells

Will and Ben

It was my day off today. The first port of call was Toms parents. Dennis hadn't had a good night due to a painful leg, causing him to be restless and wonder around the house for most of the night. Tom sorted them out. I washed their dishes and tidied up. I found a pyrex dish full of mashed up tuna in a clear polythene bag in the pan cupboard, and a dish full of weetabix, shreddies and milk in the bowl cupboard! I discreetly 'sorted' them, but am thinking things are definitely deteriorating rather rapidly.
Any way, it turns out Dennis has cellulitis again, so has antibiotics. Tom will go again tonight to ensure they are settled. They are having a social services assessment next Friday - it should be interesting.
I also helped mum set up her account for her safe grading training - she needs to do this because she has started volunteering at Carlisle Cathedral for a few hours each week.
Will and Ben are off out with the gang tonight. Charlotte arrived back in London late last night.

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