Uig to Lochmaddy
We saw so many completely beautiful things today.
One of them was this seemingly spontaneous art installation of little towers of stones at the side of the road. We were just driving along and there it was just around the bend. Dozens of little piles of stones. I would imagine that it's been added to over time by anyone driving by and inspired to stop. We certainly added to the hoard.
Fairy Glen at Uig was next. The landscape of this place is bizarre. It's like the Shire from Lord of the Rings. Wonderful.
Off we went on the ferry to North Uist where we're currently enjoying the warmth and delights of a brand new holiday cottage overlooking acres of land and sky. Beats a 70s static caravan hands down (see yesterday's blip). The landscape appears so barren and cold on the one hand but then you see the astonishing cloud formations, the flocks of geese flying overhead and the light on the land and it's utterly beautiful. I will absolutely cry if I see the aurora borealis. Mind you, I'd be happy with just one twinkling star at the moment. Bugger off clouds!
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