Sitting by Granny's Christmas Tree

It's been a cold day, but there's been plenty of sunshine through the day.  There was snow over night, and more this afternoon.  

A good lie in this morning, but finally got going after breakfast.  I've mostly been puttering about the house, and walkies with Sammy.  Big Brian and Madeline popped by for a cuppa, and we popped along them later.  Been down to mam's tonight for tea, and also Jonny and family were over too.  It's been a quiet evening at home, and a lovely walk with Sammy to Punds Voe, under the moonlight and snow.

Tea at mam's was lovely tonight, but poor peerie Lena had to leave earlier, due to a spew bug!  Hopefully I'll not catch it, I've had the cold for days and that's bad enough.  So my photos tonight missed Lena, but here's the twins, Alex and Isaiah and Michaela, sitting by mam's Christmas tree.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh. 

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