Angry dog
The loveliest part of the day was the snowy morning walk (see extra, too), the rest was a little bit screwed up. My friend's dog here just didn't like the camera!
P had contacted a friend yesterday about meeting in Zürich today, and as he did not get back to us we went to Luzern to have my camera sensor cleaned. We briefly seperated and then I couldn't get hold of Philipp for ages. After finally restarting my mobile I could call him, he had been waiting at the train station for an hour whereas I was waiting at the outdoor shop. His friend had finally agreed to meeting him, so he was off to Zürich and I couldn't join as in the meanwhile I had urged the camera shop people to speed up the sensor cleaning so that I can pick it up latest at 5. I still had to kill three cold hours in Luzern and Djeili started to be pissed off with being in the city, so I contacted a friend about meeting for coffee but she could only do 4:30, so I got a bit stressed about being late at the cam shop and with the people I hassled before to speed up... Picked the cam up to be told that I might have a scratch on the sensor and that the cheapest version will be a new camera, doh. Then bought the train ticket for the wrong direction and exchanging it took a while. Not my best day, really!
Funny thing: I briefly thought about a friend that I didn't see for ages and that I should contact him but have no clue how. Just 30 sec later sat down in a cafe, the door opened and he walked in, amazed to see me. What coincidence is that???
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