Made it to Berlin!!

The early alarm was not appreciated, but it was for a good purpose.
We were at the airport in time and got to Berlin at 2 pm. We took the U-Bahn home and stopped with all cases at Cuccuma for a coffee before hitting the flat.
I really needed this as I knew when we enter the flat we will be running crazy with unpacking and getting things sorted.
Once we moved in, we decided to get out and go to the Christmas Markets at Alexander Platz and at Rotes Rathaus. We started with mulled wine and then browsed through the stalls, had some food and ended again with a mulled wine!
We were home just back of 9 pm and felt very tired.
Had the plan to play a board game, but left it. 
We went to bed before 12 pm.

Apologies for the bad blip - this is just a snap from the U-bahn station .....

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