The Crazy Bunch!

Boxing Day Madness.

I'm pleased to say that this Boxing Day went better than last years disaster.

We started off with lashings of bacon and eggs all still in our matching HillyBilly PJ's. Josh (DN2's bf) was great in the kitchen and took over the whole thing.

We then battled the M25 to get to my sisters in Reading where we ate lashings more crap and shared a Secret Santa Experience. Daughter Number 1 had arranged it this year and everyone was chosen at random on a web based thing so we were emailed our recipients. I was pleased to have been given my Samuel Squidget!

Daughter Number 2 was my Secret Santa giver but my Brother in Law accidentally opened it - much to Sophie's disappointment as she was so excited to have bought me tiny figures that I really wanted!!!

Anyway, I was still Auntie of the Year (but thats not hard as they don't talk to the other Aunties!!) and my 10 year old nephew was so thrilled with his Amazon Voucher attached to a chocolate slab that he  spent the whole £30 within 15 minutes of recieving it!!! He's well into his GoPro so bought stacks of GoPro attachments for his new YouTube Blog. I then found him pretending to give away the Vouchers he had already spent!!!!!

Mr W seemed a bit subdued but I think he was just trying to sit quietly incase he said something he shouldn't. Either that or he was sick to the back teeth of all my family who I have to say are a bit crazy!!

I was able to scate board across the kitchen withouth falling off, the dead rat was removed from the bedroom, the dog ate most of the chocolates from under the tree and from the kids gift bags without being sick, I handed over the Virtual Reality Goggles before being eaten by a shark and we managed to catch Grannie before she fell in the bushes.

All in all another great day.


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