twinned with trumpton


Apart from needing water at 05[something], I was awake at 0750...! The head just would not engage; probably not helped by a non typical working day. Stumbling and bumbling I got out and quickly spruced up the car and then off into return it to its home at Quartermile; grabbed a phone charger cable from her, and cycled off down the hill to the office. 0915. Only one other in today, so we nodded occasionally at each other across the desk, whilst steadfastly plugged in to our respective white noise excluding music (Tindersticks mostly for me)

Lunchtime saw a wander out into the cold; met her around St Giles; grabbed a pastry then a coffee and sat and chatted for a bit; then back into the office.

I did eventually wake up and had productive burst from 3 until I finished at 1845. Managed to avoid a car that refused to stop as it went up a one way street (Leith St) towards me, leaving me to take evasive action; the crossing attendant also nearly got flattened by it...) 
To see Duncan; popped into his Air B'n'B and said hi before he and I went to Pera for some Turkish food and Fawlty Towers type nonsense and a quiet catch up. News that the well meaning but ultimately troublesome SIL inviting the ex to meet her and the children whilst not extending a similar invitation. As Duncan said 'who's your brother here? You or the ex?'
We'll see how that plays out.

And done about 9; I chummed him back to his base and then I went off home where I fell into bed and was promptly asleep. I need a holiday....

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