Boxing Day ......
..... and the 27th Dec '17
The blip photo shows our Christmas day( on Boxing Day) table at the Rev's & "K's" house , 12 sat down to a 3 bird roast , turkey Ballantine and all the trimmings with home grown vegetables, dessert of Christmas pudding brûlée / stollen/ chocolate tart / coffee or tea and of course just a tad of alcohol!! To begin with it was canapé 's ( not all shown, all was delicious, more gifts were opened before we sat down for the meal. In the afternoon we played Articulate and pass the bomb which completed the wonderful day .
The other photo's show just 2 of my fab gifts great bulbs to plant and a brilliant watering can( pottery) teapot, such a lovely unusual gift , I love it.
Then my wonderful pantomime ticket( Christmas gift) from the Rev & "K" . It was great being a " big kid " again. It was very well done and so colourful.
After a wonderful Christmas I've now got my 15year old granddaughter to look forward to she is down from Newcastle with a friend, sadly only for 2 days , she is spending a day with her God mother in Chiswick then 2 days here .
Thankful ..... for such a delightful Christmas and many thanks to all the family that put this amazing occasion together . A really happy ending to such an horrendous year, for all of the family but sadly still goes on for one daughter and family.
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