
We made it all the way to the Algarve today and are on a campsite just outside Sagres. We have booked 6 nights to test out our compatibility in the hope that we can extend our stay by a month. When we leave here we turn towards home...

There is an area of scrub and forest just outside the site which seems adequate for Nell and TripAdvisor reckons that Sagres has 68 eating places. Let us hope that it works out.

Can't say that the facilities here are thrilling and they are certainly nowhere near as pleasant as at our previous two Orbitur stops. Also non too thrilled at being charged 4 Euros a night for just 5 amp electricity supply. All in all it is not looking good for an extended stay. Not Orbitur's best location.

Pic taken on Nell's walk, looking back towards Sagres, with the Fortress at back right. Sun emerging after an afternoon of rain.

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